Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Rest Now My Love

Rest now my love 
For the scalpel's leavings are fresh
Rest now my love
For it is time to heal

Rest now my love
For I know you are weary
Rest now my love
For I see exhaustion in your eyes

Rest now my love
For I know you are hurting 
Rest now my love
For I see your pain and tears

Rest now my love 
For tomorrow is a new day
Rest now my love 
For the scars shall surely fade

While you rest my love 
Know you are strong
Know you are brave 
Know you are beautiful 

Rest now
For you are loved


  1. Beautiful poem for a beautiful baby girl

  2. As are you my precious daughter. Begging our Father to hear our pleas for healing of our darling Avie and peace & comfort to dry our tears...

  3. Beautiful poem. It truly brings tears to my eyes to know the absolute war y'all are fighting. Still praying for sweet Avie, the doctors and all of you. Never give up
